Branded Merchandise Experts

Branded Merchandise Experts

Celebrate Earth Month With Our Sustainable Bestsellers


Here at Signal Promo, we are focused on becoming the most responsible version of ourselves – especially when it comes to sustainability. We are committed to making better choices every day across the business to minimise our environmental impact. Earth month is a fantastic way to implement new practices, products or changes to strive towards a smarter future with our planet in mind.

Our biggest element of the business is what we do best! Branded merchandise, so this is why we decided to start our shift towards a more sustainable future within our product range. Here are our best selling eco-friendly promotional items, for all budgets and industries that will ensure your brand is seen and heard for all the right reasons. 


Go Greener Kit

This gift pack is your one way ticket to a greener future. The kit includes an eco-friendly lunch box made from recycled wheat fibre with a bamboo lid, filled with reusable cutlery and a matching coffee mug all packed in a mesh produce bag for easy travel.


                                               Biodegradable Seed Pots

The most popular eco-friendly product we sell - for a reason! These pots are filled with a compressed peat pellet with 5 seedsticks inside which you simply soak in water and watch it grow! You can choose from a variety of seeds to ensure you are planting what your brand is passionate about. There are a variety of branding methods for our range of Seedsticks products, all in which are printed using soy and vegetable based inks on 100% recycled board. 


Bamboo Tote Bag